In absence of Hon'ble Co-operative Minister Shri Rajinder Pal Gautam, Shri Virendra Kumar, Registrar of Co-op. Societies, Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Shri Rajesh Goyal, Chairman, Delhi Co-op. Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. awarded a SHIELD and a COMMENDATION CERTIFICATE in a graceful function at HINDI BHAWAN, ITO, NEW DELHI organized jointly by the Co-op. Education Fund Committee, Govt. of Delhi and Delhi State Co-op. Union Ltd.
On behalf of the society, I, Diwan Chand Goyal and Shri Parshu Ram Gupta, Chief Executive Officer received this Award and Certificate.
I further assure all the members that the present Managing committee will continue to do its best for increasing economic and social status of our members.
Heartiest congratulations to all members, Managing Committee and Staff of the Delhi Co-op. Urban T. & C. Society Ltd. for such a wonder honor.